Bishop Hoffman Catholic School
Co-ed PreK-12 Catholic School in Fremont Ohio

BHCS: Early Childhood
Learning Center
**Please call 419-332-5124 for registration information**
To attend our Pre 3 class, your child must be 3 by September 1
To attend ANY of our Pre 4 classes, your child must be 4 by September 1
To attend Kindergarten, your child must by 5 by August 1.
Programs Available:
3 Year Old: Tuesday and Thursday 8:45 AM - 11:30 AM
4 Year Old All Day 4 Days: Tuesday - Friday 8:45 AM - 3:00 PM
4 Year Old All Day 2 Days: Wednesday and Friday only 8:45 AM - 3:00 PM
Registration Fee-$150.00 - 1st child, $100.00 - 2nd child, $75.00 - 3rd, 4th, 5th child ($325 max) non-refundable (payable online through the Blackbaud/Smart Tuition Registration Program)
The Campus is a bright, clean, and open environment; all outside activity is in a secure safe area.
We believe that children learn through concrete actual experiences. The curriculum consists of group and individual activities that are a mixture of independent and teacher-facilitated learning and provides language and social activities so the children can learn to communicate with others.
Children are unique individuals experiencing life and gathering information at their own pace.
Multi-sensory activities that enhance the total development of the child are planned in a sequential manner following a theme, or a part of a unit. Both quiet and active play shall support the development of the whole child.
Most importantly, basic religious concepts, such as loving God, our families, our friends, all living things and ourselves are fundamental to the curriculum. Taking care of God’s earth and the gifts God has given us is an integral part of the child’s learning environment. We believe that developing a positive self-concept, feeling good about one self and others is of utmost importance in nurturing the spirit within each child.
In keeping with our Philosophy, our goals are to help each child
To develop an awareness of being a child of God and growing in God’s love.
To develop a positive self-concept and to promote respect for self and others.
To grow creatively through “hands-on” experiences.
To expand independence by providing opportunities to make choices.
To cultivate gross and fine motor skills and to use all senses in learning.
To experience learning in a play environment.
Day Care:
The Sacred Heart Early Childhood Campus also offers a Day Care on the day your child has class. This program is an activity filled learning environment that extends from the classroom and also provides families with flexible childcare options.
Day care is available before school beginning at 7:00 a.m. and after school until 5:30 p.m., at an additional cost that is billed monthly, separate from tuition.
**Required Preschool Medical Statement**